Really looking forward to your visit here! It will be great to meet some of these “names” on all these posts I have been reading! I sure hope the weather here is good so we can really get serious about fishing…
I am even planning on taking off work so that I can be here on Thursday and Friday!
Fishing, eating, tying, visiting, fellowship…6 and counting…
I guess we have been given our marching orders!!
There will be photo ops for,
Fly Tying
General Debauchery, Lying, and other good times too numerous to mention!!
And Eating!! :rolleyes:
Flyfishing here is a true gentlemen’s sport. They don’t shut down the generators on the Elk River until 10 or 11 am so there’s time for sleeping in, breakfast and a little sightseeing. Then they start them up again at 5 pm. so you’re back home by 5:30 to eat, drink and tie fly’s.
P.S. Ed the last wind storm got Charlie. You pulled on him so much his root system was weakened!
Jack, I can’t help thinking that 600cfs did more to weaken Charlie’s roots that 6x tippet.
Still, that honey hole should be nothing but better with Charlie in the water!
It was the 1050 cfs that probably did Charlie in, after you weakend his root system! However his older sister Charlene told me she’s going to be all over you like a collapsed tent in a hurricane!! If I reason with her you may get off by just hanging 6 flys in her branches before you start fishing. Make 'em flashy, she a bit of a show off and they will go well with all those red and white bobbers!!
Well folks the weather for next week has changed 4 times today! From Sunny and warm to rainy and warm and back, now it’s cool and wet!!?? Welcome to our Southern Tennessee weather!!
I’m up to my arse in work and completely missed this post. Grrrr… curse of the working class. Hey Jack, can you get a pizza peel with that cooking stone, or should I bring mine? It will fit in my suitcase so it’s not a problem…just one less thing to haul around. I like to bake the Italian bread on the stone.
FYI for some of you food hounds. Be sure to bring something along to add to the festivities. Appetizers and desserts will be welcome. This ain’t the Salvation Army soup kitchen, ya know (although, there WILL be some soup). Any of yoos guys make ATB’s? They would go great with the beer you’re bringing (I like Killian’s Red. Tim likes them all. Jack never met one he didn’t like.:p) Here’s another link about the ABT’s.
Just got a pm from Joe Rodgers over in loretto. He’s going to try and make it, will let me know Thursday.
The dinner list is now at 9!
I’ll pick up some Killian’s Red, doublewide likes it too. He’s bringing a dessert for Sat. dinner.
We probably will have to plan each day’s fishing location the night before. I’d sure like to have you guy’s see the Duck River but the TWRA’s last stocking was small Rainbow’s. You will catch a lot of fish but Warren and I are worried the small size would be an embarrasment!
After seeing what is going to be on the menu, I thought I would let you all know that while we are fishing, if you get lost and are looking for me, save your time and do not look down wind for me. I will be up wind from you all for sure!