6' 6" 2 wt Guides

I’m thinking about building a short 2 wt rod. How many guides should I use on a 6’6" 4 piece blank?


General rule is 1 guide per foot of rod. I found this over at Hook & Hackle. It should be a good start.


download this caculator it works pretty well

Might take a look at this. What kind of blank is it> Sounds like a Forecast!

Formula: Wayne Cattanach
Units: American
Number of guides: 8
Indexed off guide 4 at 20 1/2 inches
Spacing increases by 5/8 inch each guide

Guide Distance from tip
1 4 3/16 inches
2 9 inches
3 14 7/16 inches
4 20 1/2 inches
5 27 3/16 inches
6 34 1/2 inches
7 42 7/16 inches
8 51 inches

Thanks everybody. It is a forecast 4 piece blank that I want to make for keeping in my truck.
