In the MidCurrent newsletter today there are 42 strategy and technique fly fishing tips - some are obvious and some are “never thought of that”…
Either way - some good reading…
In the MidCurrent newsletter today there are 42 strategy and technique fly fishing tips - some are obvious and some are “never thought of that”…
Either way - some good reading…
Thanks for sharing Jim, of course I already knew all that and so this was all just…posh to me. :roll:
Seriously, some good tips though.
Notice the Dick Tracy grip in the fist photo! Looks like a pretty light rod.
I saw that pic and thought of your post…
How timely, eh?
Good to know I’m not the only contrarian!
I noticed it to!!! I thought how crazy is that, Then I read the other posts and saw you had already commented on it!
Thanks for the article BTW.