I was thinking about building a 3pc. bamboo rod for bonefish. My brother lives in the keys and we have had really good luck locating some bones and “baby” tarpon. I am a little worried about building a three piece for two reasons: I’ve never done it before and I’ve heard that they can have some sort of “hitch” to them.
Any advice on this would be much appreciated. Tapers?
As to tapers, a couple of suggestions:
The Orvis S/S/S 8’ 9" I don’t know if this rod was impregnated? I would suspect it was.
Rated a 10 weight, but a 9 should work fine.
Heddon #19 Riptide 9’ and 9 1/2’ with the extension butt
I believe this taper is rated for a 8 or 9 weight.
I’m not a builder, so I can not speak to your “hitch” concern.
I will say I own a few 3 piece bamboo rods and I have not experienced a hitch in casting them.
The tapers for the above rods should be readily available on the net.
Hope this is helpful. Now where are these bones and baby tarpons located?
Thanks for the suggestions. I will have to check into the Orvis taper. Sometimes I need a little more backbone when playing with a tarpon. Just north of Islamorada is where we get into some tidal creeks and back country for the tarpon. They are usually only 10-20 lbs., but every now and then we get dragged around in the kayak. The bones, we just take the kayak out to a flat/shelf and wait for the right tide. I got my first double digit bone the last time we went. Their speed never ceases to amaze me.
Thanks again for the suggestions.
Don’t neglect to check out the Heddon taper.
I didn’t really expect you to reveal your fishing spots.
You need to make a decision on what you want a rod to do. Cast? Land fish? Or, a compromise, both. Accepting that to do both, what are you willing to give up in exchange for what gained? I strongly prefer the casting action (the harmonics) of a three piece rod (or a 5pc) over a two piece (or 4pc). The harmonics of stopping (the cast) hit and effect the two styles differently in reference to where the ferrules are placed.
I know of one cane builder who makes his rods ‘recoil’ during the cast on purpose. Calls it a ‘bounce.’ Bizarre feeling to me.
I was thinking the Orvis for the extra pop into the wind.
JC- When I build a bamboo rod, I definitely don’t want that bounce. It seems like you would have less control when you need it the most. I like the idea of a three piece. Just want it to be as easy as possible to pack on a plane. When we go, we try to stay with carry on only. Thanks for the advice.
Take care,
The “extra pop” you refer to might be attrbuted to the Orvis rods being impregnated?
Just a thought.
Here’s a thought…
Jim Bresko has a Charles DAly built by Gene Edwards for sale on his list.
Since you are in Grand Haven and he is a bit South of you, maybe he would let you swing down and measure it. or maybe he would do it for you.
The rod is rated for a 9/10 I’ve cast it with a 9 wt and to me it was a rocket launcher with power to spare
I would think the only hitch in a 3pc cane rod would be the extra weight of the ferrules. I’m not sure if it would be detrimental in other aspects. This is cane, not graphite so the ferrules might make a difference, weight wise and castability. There’s not a lot of bamboo 3pc. out there. Mostly 2pc rods.
Thanks for the info. I might just give him a shout.
I have a 3pc 9’, 8wt, hollow built rod, never fished that I would be interested in selling. It is a very powerful rod for the weight. It would also make you a good steelhead/salmon rod for the great lakes rivers.
You are not so far from me that we could not make some arraingments for you to cast thi rod. Maby an afternoon of steelhead fishing on the Joe might be in order.
I would love to cast it, however, buying isn’t in the budget right now. I am trying to mass everything that I might need to build bamboo rods. That doesn’t mean that we can’t go fishing though. I have a Clacka that is rigged an ready to go. I usually fish north of me, so you would have to decide on where to go on the Joe. Let me know.
I would suggest a 9.0 ft. or 9.6 ft. 8 weight, mid flex, 2 piece rod as the transition of power is stronger on a 2 piece rod. Suggest an impregnated rod for salt water, Chrome plated NS. ferrules and reel seat hardware, chrome plated stainless steel stripper & snakes, tip top etc… Saltwater also has a terrible effect on varnish over Impregnation, suggest no varnish rather Tung oil your rod, then wax your rod with Town talk Orange wax before and after salt fishing.
If your looking for a taper, instead of Orvis, look up Paul Youngs Texas General = 9.0 ft., 2 pc., 8 weight, mid flex, Impregnated, 18/64th. ferrule.
I looked at that taper and was going to run with it until a friend suggested the Duracane (sp?). He said that this one would be better for my casting style. I call him Yoda…he hasn’t steered me wrong yet. My brother wants me to make him an 8wt., so maybe I will build both and decide from there.