$3 Dip

$3 Dip

A variation of Ross Merigold’s Serendipity Fly Pattern

Hook - Curved scud style
Bead - Gold Brass or Tungsten
Thread - Brown
Ribbing - Gold wire
Body - Tying thread
Wing - Bleached elk hair

Nice Serendipity, although the [b]original[/b] $3 Dip version, as designed by Nick Nicklas of Blue Ribbon Flies in West Yellowstone, specifically used Danville Tobacco Brown for the body.


whatever. :smiley:

i’ll retie it just for you when i find the right color thread :smiley:


any color will work. theres black ones, red ones, olive ones, silver ones, brown ones, gray ones etc

beads or no beads. curved or straight hooks

variations of materials are acceptable as you should well know

the blue ribbon flies website lists other colors so i guess thats okay?

Kelly Galloup sells this fly at the Slide Inn with pieces of krystal flash tied on each side of the deer hair.