3/20 more steelies!

went again and got 2 more! my buddy got 3. mine came on a orange meth and a white sucker spawn. kruggies on a golden stone and white meth. also found this mayfly nymph under a rock. I think its a mayfly at least?

few more pix


I think that is a stone fly and nice pics man, need another buddy to fish with. I can’t wait for opener now!!!


here is 2 pix of a early black stonefly I found a few weeks back but it looks way different than the one I found today. the one I found today had a 3 point tail and looks more like a mayfly nymph to me kinda like these march brown ones. what ya think?

Could be a “crawler” i.e. a March Brown.

I am gonna start looking under rocks alot more from now on! never really did before

Great JOB!

No Steelies south of you so I have to suffer Spring Gill and Crappie fishin’…bummer, for me!

Nice ‘shots’… saying exactly what the nymph is difficult with that photo.
As ‘Colorado’ stated, it could be a ‘march brown’ or one of the many ‘cahills’.
* the large head/flat body and broad legs denote it as a ‘clinger’ type nymph though!

ok thanks for the info on the nymph. hey brhoff you can always make a trip up this way and try to get into a few steelhead. columbus isn’t to far. you can also hit the mad river or clearfork and try to brown trout. believe it or not I am a big fan of summer fishing for bass. sometimes it can be better than steelhead fishing. it is way more peaceful than steelheading. in the summer I hardly ever see anyone out on the river compared to all the numbers that show up during steelhead season. also during the winter steelies are very hard to catch so there are many skunked days than summer time when the bass and other fish are active. don’t get me wrong tho theres nothing like hooking into a monster steel and him taking ya on the fight of your life then getting him into the net! well maybe salmon fishing would be crazier cause they are even bigger but you get what I’m saying.

Anyone have a pic of this meth fly? Never heard of it before… Thanks!

ya I got some. I tie them up myself now. its a size 10 scud hook or any size ya wanna use. use red thread and tie in a lil pearl krystal flash for a tail then take a strand of pearl diamond braid and fold it in half. now take the part thats folded and tie in at the back of the hook so it forms a lil loop. make another loop and wrap and so forth just like this video all the way to the front and tie off. here is the video. one thing I do different is add flash for the tail and fold the diamond braid material in half .in the vid he does not fold the material in half like I do so my fly comes out with 2 rows of these loops unlike his single loop meth. mine looks way better and works better in my opinion but its up to you… here is the vid and also a few pix of the ones i made up. PS. I make mine in the original pearl and also in flourescent orange, pink, and chartruese. all use red thread. also if you wanna make the original sucker spawn pattern that this meth fly is created after just sub out the diamond braid for white angora yarn or any other color angora mentioned and its the original SS pattern like the 3rd picture. can also use glo bug yarn for spawn type flies. the small 4th pic shows how mine is double looped instead of single like his. also when I posted these in the past I have had people argue with me about how this is a terrible name for a fly. so for the record I did not name this so don’t come cry to me about it unless you are gonna cry me a river so I can fish in it! lol.


Looks like an Early Black Stone fly nymph to me. Steelies love those things too this time of year. Many GL steelie tributaries are loaded with those little stones this time of the year. Suggest trying some prince nymphs is size 14 or 16.

That is NOT a stone fly nymph guys, Remember stone flies have 3 wing pads, it’s a clinger mayfly! Stenonema! aka. March Brown/Gray Fox. IMHO

ya its got to be a mayfly. the small black is the other pic i posted they are both totally diff.

Very nice pics! Me and some of my friends were out steelheading, Saturday on NY’s section of steelehead alley. We got into some fish but most of them were in spawn mode.

That’s definitely a clinger mayfly nymph. Host Ray, the march brown is in the Macaffertium grouping, now. The bug doc’s changed it a couple years back.

pspaint, your absolutely right I forgot he reclassification of the Stenonema to Maccaffertium