24 months

Fished the Elk today. That makes 24 straight months of Trout fishing! :smiley:

Congrats on the milestone. The question of the day is how many did you get today?

The catchin’ was a little slow but it was a very nice day to be out.


Tom Roberts (“Doublewide” on FAOL) and I met at the Elk at 9am. They shut down the generation at 8am with a start up at 6pm. I took Tom down the river where I hope to take you all when you get here, and between the 2 of us I think we caught 13 or 14. All were around 12" to 13". Very healthy and fat. The fishing was hard and there was very little, if any, surface activity. Caught our fish swingng buggy softhackle flies and buggers. Hopefully, the fish will be more cooporative when you all get here. I am not sure how Jack done. He came to the river later in the day.

Will see and meet you soon…


Lucky dog!

I had 1 fish. Jeremy had 1 fish and Bryon had 1 fish! This was between the bridge and the bend. Now we know where not to go!