2021 Idaho Fish In

A few of us old folks will be gathering in Lowell again for the 21st year I believe. Happy to have anyone else join us!

It’s hard to believe it’s been 21 years.

Yes it has been a long time ago since I attended my one and only Fish In in Lowell, but I have fond memories of it. I think it was around 2008 or so. My wife and I flow into Spokane and drove down in a rental. It was a long trip but well worth it. Denny Conrad was there and had a demonstration of skinning and preparing a cape. Actually the whole skin. I offered to purchase it from him and did receive it a few weeks later after he treated it. I still have the skin and have never taken a feather from it out of respect for my good friend. I saw Denny again at the SowBug meeting at Mountain Home, Arkansas. There we visited with our good friend Tony Spezio. Denny and I shared some Army experiences which I will never forget. He was an Army Sniper in Southeast Asia and had some great stories.<br>
If you have never been there and fished the Lochsa or Selway, I highly recommend it. Hope you have a great time and reflections on those good times. Enjoy!!

Vickie and I won’t make it this year. The 3,000 mile drive is a bit much. Besides, we are exploring the waters in our new home state of Maine. The Selway will always be a favorite river for me.

jcampbell, I had a chance to have an e-mail exchange with Tony Spezio, maybe a month before he passed. I let him know that the Chili Pepper is one of my most productive flies, even here in the NE.

The Chili Pepper is one of my favorites as well. Several of us visited with him and his wife Dot at there home years ago before one of the Sow Bug meetings. By the way, Dot was a great cook! He tied a Chili Pepper for me that day along with his woven tail May Fly and I have kept them in my prized collection since. After that, I have tied both of them for my use. He also built me a bamboo rod that I cherish. What a guy!! Haven’t heard from you in awhile and glad to hear you are well.

I’m trying to catch you guys in age. I’ll be there barring unforeseen troubles. Z, please leave the skunks at home this year!

Z, What dates are planned?
Asking for a friend.

We will be in Lowell from the 18th to the 26th of September.

jcampbell, I remember that fish in, Denny was a good showman with his birds. he is missed.

REE, you and Vicki have been missed at this gathering for awhile. Hope all is well!

FooFooBunny, I’ll let you out fish me this year. LOL

Dana got into town this evening, in the morning we head for Lowell. Should be fishing by 2:30 in the afternoon. Good times ahead!

I did not get to make it this year! Any updates how was the Fishing?

Skipper, I thought about you while we were there. You were missed! The fishing was good! As the years have gone by I’ve had a tendency to worry less about counting fish caught and more about enjoying the time with good friends.
I did catch my biggest fish on this drainage this trip, at a well known spot that has very easy access of the road, a rarity there! Next year we will be moving the camping spot to the group site at Johnson Bar. Hope to see you there! BTW, ffb did out fish me!

Hey Z Thanks for the update! I have not been on FAOL since last year. Glad you all had a good time and the fish are still there looking up! Didn’t do much fishing last year with all the fires and Covid problems. Johnson Bar on the Selway is that close to where I met you once where you always camp before the Fish In? Good to hear from ya buddy. I hope maybe we will fish again together. I don’t get around so well and wade fishing is pretty hard for me. Was the Big Fish caught on the Locksa?