2011 Season

This the first sign of 2011 season here in Scotland.

Someday, Donald, I’m taking my brother Donald back to the homeland to some salmon fishing there. Thanks for sharing that…more pictures though, lol.


I’m EXTREMELY jealous. At the moment I’m imagining a crisp Scottish morn astream. A pork pie in the backpack and a small flask of a fine smokey Single Malt to tame the chill.


Gloomy Winter’s noo awa’,
Soft the westlin’ breezes blaw.
Amongst the birks o’ Stanley shaw,
The mavis sings fu’ cheerie O.
Around the silvan fairy nooks,
Feath’ry breckans fringe the rocks.
Beneath the brae the burnie jouks,
And ilka thing is cheerie O.

I hope for a fine season for you, Mr. Nicolson.
