2 tone foam

I saw this very interesting fly while googling new patterns. It says 2 tone foam is required, and even though I can just use 2 pieces, 2-tone would make things alot easier for me.
Anyone know where I can find such foam?

I cannot tell you where you can purchase 2-tone foam, but, if I was doing this fly, I would glue one sheet of brown foam on to a sheet of yellow foam and then cut out the strips to the width I needed to tie the hopper.

Just a thought…

Warren’s got it. But why stop at two colors?:wink:

This: http://www.michaels.com/art/online/search?pageNumber=1&channel=0&search=yes&type=0&searchWords=foam+sheets&as_fid=17&x=11&y=9

Plus this: http://www.michaels.com/art/online/displayProductPage?productNum=gc0265

will give you what you need. I’d bet that’s what they used for that fly anyway…

I suspect that Marty bought his foam locally, but I can’t find the Utah Sponsor.

panfisha -

I’ve seen the two tone or layered stuff in my local fly shop and at the local Sportsman’s Warehouse.

But Warren has the simple answer.

If you want to buy preformed bodies or get some really good products, but a bit pricey, follow this link.



Doug -

Would the “Utah Sponsor” be Rainy’s ?? They do a lot of interesting stuff with foam. Note the link in my earlier post.


I just remembered it was the “Larva Lace” site.
Here is Marty’s Two Tone Stone: http://www.flytyingforum.com/pattern6175.html

well ive seen the 2 tone foam but, does anyone know where i can get foam sheets that have a marble or swirled colour patern to it ?

Gluing the foam together is how I do it, if I wanted to tie that hopper the way it’s illustrated, but…

On the particular one shown, I’d not used glued together foam…I’d use separate strips, one above and one below the hook, to hide the shank…a drop of CA glue would seal the butt together…

I know you can buy the stuff already laminated, but I prefer to pick colors myself, and I like doing this kind of stuff.

If you only want two colors, and you buy the ‘sticky back’ foam, placing both ‘sticky’ sides together gives an impressive water proof bond…I now that my local craft stores sell both the tan and the yellow in the sticky back stuff. Only takes a minute to put them together, and another ten minutes or less to cut the strips…for about $2.50 you get enough for several hundred flies.

I tie a similar hopper with three thicknesses of foam…you can also make cool ‘extended’ hopper bodies by twisting two colors of foam together (like the old wool extended bodies).

Gotta love foam…



here are a couple of links giving more examples of laminated foam flies:

This one is a video showing an easy to tie hopper pattern, laminating furry foam and normal craft foam for an interesting effect: http://ffotw.com/?page_id=563&ID=17
I made some good looking hoppers laminating yellow foam and tan blanket (furry foam).  Tied some with the tan side down, some with the yellow side down.  

This one, from my blog, shows a tiger beetle, which is made of 3 strips of foam, sliced thin and tied in “sideways”: http://wcflies.com/blog/2008/07/tonights-tie-tiger-beetle/

Good luck!
