it’s OK. I am introducing a buddy to FFing this year. I sent him to a Garage sale which listed FFing equip. He bought a brand-new (sticker still on cork)4 pc. 5 wt. LL Bean Streamlight for $20. Lifetime Warrantee for $20!! He bought it, knowing nothing about fly gear, just by my voice on the phone.
By the time I packed the kids into the car and drove 20 miles to the sale to meet him, he had already put it in the truck. I didn’t buy anything, but the guy had a lot of Fly tying stuff, and an old bamboo I had never heard the name of (and have forgotten) I left him my card, and he may get back to me if there is stuff he just wants to get rid of dirt cheap.
So my buddy gets a great beginner rod for cheeps, and I get to show him how to use it later this year. Now I gotta find him a garage sale cheap reel.