2 months preparation...20 minutes fishing

July of 2005 I was invited by my friend Jan Tomasak to come to southern germany and trout fish.

Jan was a member of the Munich fishing club.

They work oddly over there.

Because Jan was a member… he got me a ONE day members VISITOR pass.

I planned the trip for 2 months.

I sent my rods over ahead of time.

I drug all my gear and waders with me on the plane.

I arrived in Munich airport at 9:05 am. I could not sleep on the plane. I checked into a hotel near Leinbach Germany. This is in the foothills of the Alps.

Jan arrived 45 minutes after I went to sleep. My wife answered the door of the hotel room. Jan wanted to go scout the water we were going to fish.

I left all my gear in the room. We drove 45 minutes to the Leinbach River. It is a glacier fed stream/river.

Jan told me the german laws on trout fishing. The stream i was invited to fish had graylings and browns in it. The waterway was a catch and keep only stream. Between the 2 of us we were allowed to catch/keep one meter of trout.

I was looking at the stream and the next thing ya know Jan handed me a rod and said…Lets fish…

Wet wading in 44 degree water was not fun…

I wet waded and casted for about 20 minutes. The trout were dumber than stumps…5 fought over each cast…

These fish had NOT been fished for in a while…It was obvious…

I caught 2 bachforrellen and Jan caught 1…We had hit OUR meter threshold. They were about 15 inches each…Only had one decent trout show it tail…

I was DONE…
No waders…No rods I sent over…2 months of Preparation and I was done in 20 minutes.

If i had NOT been invited by Jan…My 20 minutes would have been VERY exspensive. I paid nothing for a one day pass. I did not even need a license.

We went back to the hotel and the owner cleaned and grilled the fish for us…and told US what great anglers WE were…

Back in bed a little after noon.

spinner1, I have to ask…was it worth it? If I’m reading between the lines correctly, it doesn’t seem like it. Hopefully you stayed a while and did the tourist thing and had some good German beer…?



Was it worth it to you anyway?

I wouldn’t want to spend more time on a plane than on the water personally. (Heck not even the plane, probably took longer to get to the airport.)

Was there no other fishing opportunities in the area?

At least you’ve got an interesting story out of it. Plus you can say you’ve fished in Germany. I must admit, however, I don’t think I’m too jealous… :?

I managed some other activities while I was there.

Fishing is insanely exspensive over there.

A couple of beers and a happy frau…can’t argue with that. Been to Germany three times on business. Never had time to wet a line, but sure enjoyed the people, the food and the beer. At least you can check that one off of your “Life Experiences” list. We really have it pretty good in the USA when it comes to fishing.


Yup from what I understand you have to belong to a “club” to fish in Germany with numerous rules and regulations and B.S.

Be careful there are “environmental advocacy” groups here in the U.S. that would like nothing better but for that to happen here.