1st attempt

This is my first attempt at tieng steelhead fly’s. The first one is a brindle bug and the others are polar shrimp or so that is wht they are supposed to be :smiley:
http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o308 … CF0434.jpg
http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o308 … CF0435.jpg
http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o308 … CF0436.jpg

Great looking flies Bob, you should be proud of them. John

Looks good. Is that first one a weave?

Only problem is the photographers shadow.

No not a weave the only fly I weave is the b***h creek. It is made with verigated chenille black and yellow.

John I will be real proud of them this spring when I hook a big steelhead or two :smiley:

Hey Bob great flys, what is that hook?

Just know it is a size 4 mustad hook I took them out of the box when I got them cause there was a hole in the box and the wife was afraid some would get loose and th4e dogs would get them

Looks like my Mustad 36890 size 4 Salmon hooks.

