How do you tell the line size of a 1490 series Pflueger reel? Is a 1494 for a size 4 line or is this way off?
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How do you tell the line size of a 1490 series Pflueger reel? Is a 1494 for a size 4 line or is this way off?
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1492 2-3/16" 13/16" 4.2 oz. Up to #5 None
1492 1/2 2-3/16" 1" 4.9 oz. Up to #6 None
1494 2-11/16" 13/16" 5.4 oz. Up to #7 30yds./20#
1494 1/2 2-11/16" 1" 5.8 oz. Up to #8 35yds./20#
1495 3-1/16" 1" 6.1 oz. Up to #10 45yds./20#
Fly Line and backing are based on using a DT floating line
ok now that I did your search for you… anything else I can do to make your life easier?
I suppose if that was the only reel you had you certainly could make do. However, me thinks a 1494 is a tad large for a 4wt rod & line. In my case, I use my 1494 for a 7wt WF line, on a 7wt, 8 1/2’ rod and I’m well pleased with the performance. Have a smaller 4wt reel I use for the 4wt rod & 4wt DT line.
For the cost of them today, albeit they now come from the land of rice & everything nice, why can’t you have two of them … the 1494 for a little larger line (and rod to match) and the smaller 1492 for the 4wt?
thanks for the replies, im just trying to figure out their system. Ive been looking on ebay and the american made ones are still reasonable for used equipment. I was hopeing for a chart 4 = 4 wt etc. I guess I wont be that lucky.
Later,Peter already did your homework for you (so he gets a date with your sister).
Pfleuger had no system. The AFTMA line weight system came out in 1962, all the Pfleuger 149X reels were already out by then.
Check Pfleuger collector sites for more accurate information. However, I don’t believe a 1492 could handle a whole DT5 PVC line, maybe a silk, but not plastic. To illustrate their lack of system, they renamed the 1496 1/2 the 1498. Both are good reels, but the 1496 1/2 was not reversible. I love the 1498 with a 6wt on a 10’ Chubb.
Dear Reed,
Thank you for diffusing my confusion. I fished for many years with an Akron 1494 and a Cortland Crown DT5 filled it to the gills. Backing was just an afterthought.
Best Wishes,