Fishing Report from Gates Au Sable Lodge
Wednesday June 18th. Brown drake caught slab sided Au Sable wild brown trout. Doesn’t get much better than this! Even in abnormal stream conditions the past few days, we’ve managed to hold our own out there chasing the drakes. Forecast is for conditions to improve very soon.
The big word is stream conditions. So lets get right to it. Most of the North Branch is in pretty good shape. Only the lower end, below the junction of Big Creek, remains high. The Mainstream has dropped about five inches here at my home loop in the past 36 hours. It’ll continue dropping and be OK for fishing throughout the “Holy Water” stretch by this weekend.
The South Branch is another story. Friday midday it peaked at 740 cfs. That certainly is an all time record high. Rumors of fish up in the woods chasing red squirrels were numerous. It is below 600 cfs at this time and dropping. Capable of dropping 80 points in a day, this time of year. It needs to be below 400 cfs to even consider fishing the tract. Even at that level, it’s like go to where you want to fish, hang tight and only fish your run or pool. No major mile long wades… Folks can click on the link below to keep an eye on the gauge at Smith Bridge as water levels recede.
The upper Manistee is in pretty good shape. By the time you get to the CCC Bridge area, then you’ll have to deal with a larger volume of water. Mio… has a head on it. Be very careful wading down there.
And the hatches. Yes, hex have been seen between Grayling and Burtons where they would normally start. There have also been some in Mio pond, but nothing to date to write home about. Remember everything is temperature driven… bugs start in Grayling and Mio Pond and meet at the coldest middle stretch of stream, about at Stephan Bridge. It’s all in front of us… as in kicking in right now. Cooler temperatures should mean the big flies will continue well past the 4th of July this season.
Brown Drakes were stellar here in the Holy Water stretch this week. Even in the high water, I found myself crawling over neighbors docks to hit the fish feeding along the edges taking duns coming off. The Gator hasn’t lost his touch at tracking down those back eddy fish, but sure would be nice to remember to bring a net during drake season. Reminded me of a few years ago, dapping trout in runs through the Mason Tract cause we couldn’t wade at the time. Brown Drake spinnerfalls should be on your agenda this weekend here on the Mainstream.
Iso’s are everywhere… North, South, Main, Manistee, Mio. Just another version of a Brown Drake. Also look for the true Cahill to appear as our weather improves. And Yellow Sally’s galore… in the riffle stretches for sure. Then there are the Tiny Blue Winged Olives… which will make folks run for 7x tippet… while having a leader rigged for 2x night time duty.
The last ten days of June. Some stream etiquette is in order. Don’t try to wade a mile of stream during the evening period. Go to a spot, stake it out, and stay there. Other fishermen should respect someone watching over a pool… waiting for prime time. Boat fishermen should also show respect for wading anglers, by not fishing their clients or friend through a wading fisherman’s run. You have miles of angling opportunity ahead of you. Let the guy on the bank have his hundred yards to fish.