More Saving Time
By AK Best

More from A.K. Bests', Advanced Fly Tying, chapter on Saving Time:

    8. Find or build a work surface of the proper height to prevent backaches and neck aches. Almost all tables and desks are too high for use as a fly-tying bench. You must remember that your vise has an upright stem that places your work area at least 6 inches higher than the desktop. The orthopedic secret here is to keep our forearms as close to horizontal as possible - 15 to 20 degrees is acceptable. I built my own fly-tying bench years ago with a work surface that's only 28 inches from the floor. The top is light almond colored formica with an eggshell finish. It's a soft color that doesn't reflect glaring light.

    9. Get a good, comfortable office chair, one that has adjustments for both seat height (I raised mine as high as it would go and haven't had a back - or neck ache in years) and backrest placement. The only part of your body that should ache after a few hours at the vise is your butt.

    10. Use good light! I have a bank of fluorescent tubes in the ceiling over my bench and a 100-watt bulb in my tying lamp, which is only 6 inches above my vise head. The incandescent bulb eliminates the "buzz effect" of fluorescent tubes, which causes eyestrain and headaches for some tyers.

    11. If you're going to tie a lot of tiny flies - say, #20 and smaller - either go see your optometrist for a pair of glasses that will focus at 10 to 12 inches or go to the drugstroe and get a pair of magnifiers. ~ A. K. Best

    To be continued!

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