Fly Of The Week

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Christmas Snowman
By Benjamin Hart (benjo) and Scott Smith (salovin), Montana

Winter in Montana makes you do strange things like tying this fly. Scott came up with it on a snowy night last winter and it's been a local sensation ever since. You can practice spinning deer hair and make Christmas presents at the same time. It has proven itself a great fly for housecats and small children so you might want to pinch down that barb or consider gluing something over it to prevent a holiday disaster, like a small bead. Merry Christmas.

Materials List: Snowman

Tying the Snowman

Now sit back and enjoy a Christmas beverage. If you tied this fly, you earned it.
~ benjo and salovin, MT

Publisher's Note: Below is an additional use of deer hair for either a Christmas Ornaments or earrings. This one is the creation of Scott Sanchez, (no instructions given), just this photo in his new book The New Generation of Trout Flies. ~ DLB

For more great flies, check out: Beginning Fly Tying, Intermediate Fly Tying and Advanced Fly Tying.

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