Fly Of The Week
Cinnamon Sedge (Caddis)
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Cinnamon Sedge (Caddis) (Hydropsyche/Ceratopsyche)
By Carl Richards and Bob Braendle

...The main problem imitating an adult caddis lies with the wings which are translucent and have a sheen. Hair and feathers alone do not possess this sheen. We will present some materials which overcome these difficulties.

Materials List:

    Hook size:   Tiemco 100, sizes 16 - 18.

    Body:   Cinnamon spun fur or synthetic dubbing.

    Wing:   Game bird body feathers on Scotch tape.

    Legs:   Brown hackle.

    Head:   Black thread.

    Antennae:   Brown mallard side feathers.

Tying Instructions:

1. Preparation of the wings.

a. Place a body feather of a Bob White, dark partridge, or ruff grouse on a piece of frosted Scotch tape.

b. Brush Seal-All cement over the feather (the glue on the Scotch tape is not waterproof).

2. When the glue is dry, fold the taped feather in half at the stem.

3. Clip to shape.

4. Dub a fat body.

5. Tie in the antennae.

6. Tie in and wrap the hackle and clip the top. You can clip the bottom on the stream if necessary.

7. Tie in the prepared wing and super glue the wing at the point of attachment. This keeps the wing from twisting when casting it. Tie in the head and whip finish.

Notes on this Fly:

When viewed from the bottom the wing needs to form an angle of 15 degrees from the outside edges. This is narrower than many patterns prescribe. If you choose to use deer hair as a wing material, you must select hair that flairs only slightly. You can narrow the angle of the wing by wrapping back up the wing three or four times with less pressure than the previous to compress it. Then wrap forward with increasing pressure to where you started. When using deer hair try placing a small amount of light dun Z-lon to add a little sheen which is present on the natural.

If you choose to use the two feather wing technique you should treat the feathers with a tough adhesive. Goop or Aqua Seal thinned with acetone or Goof Off are the best adhesives we are aware of. Apply the cement by putting a drop on the lower part of the feather and drawing it between your fingers.

A new material that looks promising is Shimzaki Air-Thru. The best way to shape this material is to fold it twice placing it in wing burners with the bottom of the burner one sixteenth of an inch to the fold. Burn only the top of the wing with the Hot-Tip cauterizing tool. Then cut the bottom and back of the wing, and by trimming the rest we can open them up so they tie-in tent-like over the body. This material takes markers and acrylic paint so spots and patterns can be place easily.

No matter what material is used for wings be aware that different families of caddisflies have differently shaped wings. . . ~ Carl Richards and Bob Braendle

Credits: Excerpt from Caddis Super Hatches, by Carl Richards and Bob Braendle, published by Frank Amato Publications.

For more great flies, check out: Beginning Fly Tying, Intermediate Fly Tying and Advanced Fly Tying.

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