Archive of Fly Of The Week Articles
Saltwater Flies are marked with an *

1st Quarter, 2001
FOTW Archive

Holey Head Flies (method)
The Skunk
Bird's Nest
Vice Streamer
Diving Caddis
Trinity Olive
Dunc's Floating Carey
Mickey Finn
Henryville Special
Biot Midges
Clark's Damselfly
Back Beach Bomber*

2nd Quarter, 2001
FOTW Archive

Flashy Anchovy*
Goddard Caddis
H & L Varient (House & Lot)
Shinabou Sunfish
Tinker Mackerel*
Dan Z Zonker
Partridge and Olive Emerger
Crappie Candy
Coffin Fly
Paul's Polafibre Minnow*
White Deer Hair Moth
3rd Quarter, 2001
FOTW Archive

Mullet Fly*
Horse Fly
Ghost Shrimp*
Bearcat's Hopper
Foam Beetle
Kinky Fly*
Upside Down Sculpin
Al's Shrimpf*
4th Quarter, 2001
FOTW Archive

Clouser Minnow
Simple Streamers
Silver Doctor
Trico Poly Wing Spinner
Marabou P.T. Nymph
March Brown Spider
Summer Twilight II
Rich Murphy's Pamet Special*
Leadwing Coachman
Aftershaft Leech
The Cummings
Rabbit Strip Slider
Gray Swimmer Nymph
Diving Hopper 1

1st Quarter, 2000
FOTW Archive

Bunse Green Drake
Bass Woolly Bugger
The SMP (Skip Morris Panfish)
Hank's Red Apple
Cyber Stone
Miracle Fly
Pete's Prop Fly*
Pete's Slider*
Prairie Hopper
Leonard Shrimp*
CDC Mayfly Dun
2nd Quarter, 2000
FOTW Archive

Peeking Caddis
One-Wing Up Mayfly
Quill Gordon
Al's Stonefly Nymph
Rio Grande King Trude
A.P. Olive Crystal Nymph
Morrisfoam Golden Stone
Cinnamon Caddis Pupa
March Brown Comparadun
The McGinty
Steelhead Bee (Spey)
Brown Fur Ant/Transparent Ant
Tricorythodes/Tricos - Dun
3rd Qtr.2000
FOTW Archive

Tricorythodes/Tricos - Spinner
Blue Mountain Dragon - Nymph
Lee's Ferry Midge
Lady Heather
Carrot Nymph
Deer Hair Beetle
Girdle Bug
Alpha - Omega
Imitator Shrimp
Clark's Stonefly
Dizzy Blond
Olive Varigator
4th Qtr. 2000
FOTW Archive

Simi Seal Leech
Bear's Hex Nymph
Junk Yard Dawg*
Fall Favorite
Marabou Spawn Sac
Copper and Partridge
Deerfield Special
Twisted Damsel
Henry's Crawfish
Emergent Sparkle Pupa
Buffy the Striper Slayer
JP's Trout Snack
Santa Claus Fly
3rd Qtr.1999
FOTW Archive

Jacobite Spey Fly
Ephemerella dorothea
Western Grey Nymph
Western Grey Drake
Chernobyl Ant
Just Another Fly
Funk's Special
Banana Squid*
Corey's Calf Tail
Transparent Minnow
One for Martha*
Grahame Green
4th Qtr.1999
FOTW Archive

Crazy Charlie
Delaware River Hellgrammite
Woven Dragonfly Nymph
Egg-Sucking Leech
Golden Furnace Streamer
The RS2 of Rim Chung
Rabbit Fur Streamer
Elk Hair Caddis
Humpy - (Skip Morris)
Brown Drake Emerger
Rat-Faced McDougal
The Millinnium Fly (Contest)

1st Qtr. 1999
FOTW Archive

Major Bunker*
Lithuanian Bat
Daddy Longlegs
Lefty's Bug
Partridge/Orange Soft Hackle
The Spirit
Caseless Caddis
DJ's Tarpon Fly*
Mat's Stone Fly
Purple Peril*
Original Foam Stone
Standing Shrimp*
2nd Qtr. 1999
FOTW Archive

Inverted Muddler Minnow*
Corsair Silly Minnow
California Nugget
Blond Wulff
Garside Gurgler
Cased Caddis
Blue Charm*
COSS - (Caddis Of Some Sort)
General Practitioner*
Gocha Girl*
Green Butt Butterfly*

3rd Qtr.1998
FOTW Archive

Zoo Cougar
Black Gnat
Rock's Crayfish
Orange Serendipity
Terra's Revenge
Green Leaf Hopper
Modified Carey Special
Six's Red Tail
Rainy's Snail
Big Red Surprise*
4th Qtr. 1998
FOTW Archive

Polar Bear Baitfish
D's Glory
South Branch Chub
Cold Water Squid*
Green Highlander
The Godawful Garish Gar Grabber*
Yellow Humpy
Tube Midge Larva
Wiggle Bug
Rocky Road Caddis
Mini Hammerhead Nymph
Yule Mouse
March Brown Nymph

1st Qtr. 1998
FOTW Archive

Jim Evans' Zonker Minnow
Al's C-B Scud
Black Prawn*
Lady's Fish Finder
Mysis Shrimp
Al's Poly Sucker
Royal Coachman
Joe's Hopper
Al's Catch All Sculpin
Ephemera Vulgata
Oyster Cracker*
2nd Qtr 1998
FOTW Archive

The Fizzle
Compara Hex
Mr. X
Cahill Ripple Foam Emerger
Pink Lady
Black Fur Ant
Dahlberg Diver
Bolton's Special
Lady Amherst*
Robert's Mayfly (Hex)
Castwell's Marble Head*

3rd Qtr. 1997
FOTW Archive

Steeves' Firefly
Lefty's Deceiver*
Olive Paradun
Castwell's Chum Fly*
4th Qtr. 1997
FOTW Archive

Silver Hilton*
Orange Stimulator
Griffith's Gnat
Woolly Bugger
McVay Gotcha*
Clouser Swimming Nymph*
Royal Squirrel
Antron Spent Caddis
Moose-mane Adams
Mike Croft's Stillwater Midge
Flicted Damselfly Nymph
Red Setter

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