Highlands Today newspaper fishing report by D.O. "Red" Norton for Jan. 11.

Blustery Conditions Hurt Fishing [url=http://highlands.tbo.com/sports/MGB8J4WNAIE.html:efceb]http://highlands.tbo.com/sports/MGB8J4WNAIE.html[/url:efceb]

I went out on the water today, Jan. 12, with my fishing buddy in his motorized canoe and it was almost a carbon copy of the last time when I was out on the ODC 816 by myself. There was some wind but not a lot. Bites were few and far between. I had to work hard for about ten or so small bream on a yellow foam pusher with a scud dropper (Rainy's Bead Back Scud). I had hopes of getting some Shellcrackers (Redear) on the scud but it was not to be this day. My fishing buddy got one small LMB on a popper. We couldn't find any Specks at all. There is a cold front forecasted for this weekend so the fishing probably won't pick up until after it has gone through.

Rainy's Bead Back Scud [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/042803fotw.html:efceb]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/042803fotw.html[/url:efceb]

Mine was a size 10 with clear glass beads and tan nylon sparkle yarn (Antron) legs.

Robert B. McCorquodale
Sebring, FL

"Flip a fly"