Caught a 10 inch and a 13 inch Speck yesterday afternoon. Sometimes I keep fish to eat and this was one of those days. The bream nor the Specks would bite on the fly rod at all (highly unusual). I suspect that no wind for most of the day and a hot day had something to do with it even though the water surface temperature was 67 degrees. Cold mornings and evenings with a hot and still day is unusual to me and apparently to the fish also. Depth finder failed to mark any fish all day. In addition to my fly rod, I had a little ultra light spinning rod rigged with 6 lb. test to troll with while I worked the fly rod. I trolled a live minnow on a small chartreuse jig about four feet down under a float behind my ODC 816 catamaran on one of many canals. While trolling with the spinning rod, I got the 10 incher on a pass along a patch of lily pads in about 12 feet of water so I figured I had hit a school and circled around making another pass that got me the 13 incher. Nice pretty fish. That was it, no more bites after that. No fish at the deep bridge on this canal either. I got lucky because from what I could see, most other anglers out there came back to the ramp with empty boats. One bass boat I saw did have a small two or three pound LMB that the angler held up to his buddies. I had figured that I could row up the canal and then drift back with the current. I did a lot of rowing with almost no wind or current all afternoon.

Robert B. McCorquodale
Sebring, FL

"Flip a fly"

[This message has been edited by dixieangler (edited 31 December 2005).]