fantastic!! beautiful day, great fishing...what else needs to be said?

size 18 baetis and calibaetis imitations were working wonders, with a #18 baetis extended body netting 16" and 19" browns on consecutive casts (the next cast hooked up a 17' tree ).

the pattern for the extended mayfly is:

hook: TMC 100 #18
thread: olive 8/0
tail and body: the same mallard flank fiber clump, pulled back bullet-head style, tied extended, and clipped (except for 2 tail fibers)
wings: mallard flank fibers; upright and divided
hackle: red dun over thorax

also, on a side note, spring has hit the Lower Owens with caddis hatching around 3:00pm. however, the fish were still keyed in on the baetis and didnt take any caddis, that i could tell.

all in all, a fantastic day of wonderful fishing with partly cloudy skies, warm weather, rising water temps, and a warming breeze through the valley.

[This message has been edited by tyflier (edited 27 February 2005).]