
The SportsPal does look intriguing. I'm finding all sorts of new manufacturers and canoe designs that I haven't seen before. From my perspective it appears that a lot of canoe design is regionally inspired. I know my first canoe was made within 200 miles of here and it was a really tough canoe that could handle running into the rocks of Ozark streams. The canoe concessions on the float streams help to determine the local market.

The SportsPal certainly seems like a promising canoe. I have been moving away from 12 footers because most of the twelve footers I've tried are like the small kayaks--fun for a small cove or bay but inefficient for paddling longer distances--even when just going across a small lake or pond. Not all of the canoe vendors let you "test drive" their vehicles. I've not seen a SportsPal in our area but if a local vendor would let me try it out, I certainly would based on the stats that I've looked up on it.....

Of course, the bottom line is if you think the SportsPal works for you then that is the canoe for you. I'm 100% behind you on the weight issue. You know if anyone had ever designed the perfect canoe or kayak that would meet everyone's needs there would only be one canoe on the market and yours and my choice would be easy.