If you have never been in a canoe with a FF fighting a 4-5 lb LM bass you will never apriciate the outriggers.

RS the outriggers can be had from canoegear.com I have a pair,they are pretty much universal fit.I can sit on the side of my canoe and not flip,Standing to cast is easy.My wife is not real stable in a canoe likes to lean into the paddle stroke and fights a cross wave.The outriggers solved the swimming and argument problem.
We use a pelican 15 1/2 foot plastic like a coleman our dog doesn't sit still very well and doesn't like not able to look over board. You put an unstable wife a 300lb man and 80 lbs of dog in a canoe,you got a FULL boat.We love our "TRAINING WHEELS".
Reaching over the side to land a fish is easy.