Hehe... you don't really think anyone in here would try to dissuade you from purchasing a new rod, do you?

I have 2 rods: a 2wt that I use for panfish and smaller bass fishing, and a 4wt that I use for everything and anything. The 4wt has handled some pretty big fish (24"+ rainbows and 21"+ bass) you just have to take a bit more time fighting the big guys. It doesn't handle big heavy flies particularly well, but then the aforementioned 21" bass was caught on a small balsa popper. In other words, I don't see much need to throw big ol' flies for the most part anyways. It's more than adequate for panfish, and a fat bluegill will put quite a bend in it.

If your focus is going to be moreso on bluegill and other panfish, I might suggest looking for something a bit lighter, though. I thought 'gills were a hoot on my 4wt until I fought the first one on my 2wt. Sheer joy it is.


p.s. I've landed quite a few smallmouth and largemouth over 15" on the 2wt. It held up just fine. Just had to let em tire themselves out first.