What's up, tyflier,

Well, these fish I was seeing evidence of were either bluegills, or crappie, redears, bass, possibly wipers (white bass/striped bass hybrid). Or I suppose they could have been some kind of minnow, albiet fairly large ones.

The morning after Christmas, I was parked beside a federal lake, just watching bird activity. A bald eagle soared out of a tree, wheeled and dove to the surface and came away with a fish about 15 inches long. I don't know what kind of fish that was, either; it was a bit too far off.

Being a fly fisher, I immediately began wondering what THAT fish had been up to, being so close to the surface on such a cold day. Near where the eagle snatched it, there was considerable edge ice present.

I always assumed that fish in lakes would be hanging out most of the time in deeper water, where presumably the water is warmer? Obviously this isn't the case all the time. It sure makes a person curious.
