Interesting thread. I started with a Martin Fiberglass rod kit (rod, reel 8 wt level line) and even still have it. My first real fly rod was an 8 wt Abu Garcia rod and reel set (also still have). Followed that with another Abu Garcia this time a 5 wt. So far, so good. Caught a lot of warm water fish and had a great time. Then my brother gets into rod building and builds me a 2/3 wt from a Loop blank. Well the difference is Night and Day. The casting is different, the setting of the hook is different, the ability to twitch the fly on the surface is possible on the Loop, not even a consideration on the AG. Next chapter: My brother gives me a Cortland GRF 1000, 6' 3/4 wt that outcasts, is more accurate, much lighter and a joy to fish.

I'm beginning to see a trend here....

I now have 2 Redington reels (also gifts of my brother who is becoming a strictly salt water FF) and would not consider another cheap rod and/or line.

I agree with LefthandedBrian in that most Pond Folk, of which I consider myself a proud member, could care less about "image" but have been shown that, at least in FF rods, $ does make a difference. Whether or not the level of my fly fishing ability allows me to tell the difference will be proven of disproven in the next couple of months when I upgrade my rods to the next level.

I let you all know what I find out.
