My 3 year old son likes to go to the Park there too (we eat lunch there every friday) I have had better luck over by the island, but I have caught a lot of fish out of the shallows there by the "corner".

Well, my father-in-law and I got to the lake right at 6:00. It was very dark, but I am a bit I figured the crowds would be bad later (I am kind of an extreamist anyway). There were a couple of boats on the lake but other than that we had it to ourselves. I sat Pop on a chair on the island, gave him his tub of worms and went ta fishing.

I tried a bunch of different flies. Soft hackles, buggers, streamers, poppers, and finally put on my old stand by for blue gills, an olive GRHE. I tossed it up under the bridge and bam! Pulled in my best blue gill of the year, a little over 10 inches.

I continued to fish from the bank, on the island and east up the edge of the lake. And only caught 1 more fish, over the next couple of hours.

Just as you were getting out in the lake, as the first few rain drops fell, I tied a hopper on (I had fished it earlier with no luck) 2 successive casts, 2 fish. Then I looked up and Grampa had is line realed in and was going up the hill the truck...

We WILL have to hook up one of these days. I don't know when I will be able to get out again, it kinda depends on whether Omaha gets any of the folks from New Orleans. If we do I will be helping get them settled.

Take care,