RW, and others,
In my youth I was a semi-serious canoeist. I have never felt comfortable sitting on a seat in a canoe. It is too high and "tippy". I have always knealt but that puts too much strain on my lower back. I have seen the seats that rest in the bottom of a canoe and have considered them, but I would have to paddle kneeling and then change position to fish. Not a good option I figure.

As far a a toob goes, I have one and use it. I have no problem with my back using it, just the lack of ability to cover greater distances with it. There is one cove on Johnathon Creek on Kentucky Lake that is shallow enough that I drive the Bass Boat Boys nuts when I fin up into the end of the creek channel and bust LMBs on poppers and rubber spiders when they are trying to work the drops 100 yards out and doing zilch. What fun!!
