Since you already have a canoe, why not just get one of those padded (cushion) seats with the fold up/down backs? I know they make the metal crossbar seats that the folding seat can fit onto.

I have a Creek Company ODC 816 pontoon catamaran that I like a lot with the old style padded seat (the new ones have plastic seats that I don't like). I also know that yaks can have folding padded/cushion seats. I don't know about yaks but the cat is very stable and very portable. It also has a lifetime guarantee on non-metal parts like the pontoons and seat. It probably does not row as well as a rigid craft in calmer waters like a yak unless I had rigid pontoons but it gets me where I want to go and it doesn't take up a lot of space. Its personal preference so I guess it boils down to what works best for you. Best of luck.

Robert B. McCorquodale
Sebring, FL

"Flip a fly"

[This message has been edited by dixieangler (edited 16 August 2005).]