
I was a bit of a 'science nerd' in High School. Physics was my 'thing' and it carried over to the fishng (so many folks seem to think that natural laws of physics END at the edge of any hobby...). I've always liked working with my hands, and I picked up a bit of engineering in college just for fun...

I've always been fascinated by 'process', how things are built, why they work/move/function as they do, and exactly HOW to get things to work as I want them to.

THEN, I started building lures, progressed to tying flys, and eventually rod building...

Made TONS of mistakes, did quite a bit of erroneous research, and learned a very few things well.

NOW, I just want to catch some fish, tie flies the fish will eat, and build pretty rods that cast well.

Still love discussing the theories, though, although I HAVE given up all the 'testing' I used to do (folks in the neighborhood thought I was crazy "whats that guy doing tying that fishing line to the back of that truck? Is he loco???").

