i have yet to pull anything remotely like what you guys are talking about when fishing, but i did one even worse (read life threatening) on a climbing trip.

couple years ago, my buddy and i headed out to tuolomne meadows to bag Daff Dome peak. we get there and its dark out, but no ones climbing, so we get our gear together and start up, trading off leads. 900ft and 6 hours later, we make it to the top. as we were wealking to the rappell station, i decided to take one last look out over the edge and...whoops!! there goes my rappell device. now im stuck at the top of this 900ft cliff face with virtually no way down.

i quickly rigged a munter hitch and proceeded to waist-belay myself down, but let me tell you, anyone who has ever done this will probably choose to never do it again. it is extremely painful, but if you release pressure to releive pain, you fall..quickly.

from that day on, i always carry two belay-rapel devices...just in case. i developed two worthy mottos out of the situation, though. "getting to the top is optional. getting back down is not." and, "id rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it." lessons learned .

[This message has been edited by tyflier (edited 12 April 2005).]