I would normally be at work, but was so exhausted, I left after 1/2 a day, napped, & am now posting.
What can I add? Seeing Leo again after 40 years was like a mini family reunion. I could talk all day & never describe the joy! Leo is truly a great guy & it will be tremendous to share a stream with him at the Michigan Fish-In...btw, there will be more fudge packed in the Jeep for that trip.
As far as the Tullahoma Redneck (WarrenP) & fishing the Duck River, I am forced (UGH!) to be complimentary! Warren was not only great fun & a fantastic host, he is one VERY talented fisherman, tyer, & leader "furler". Not only has Warren obviously studied flyfishing, he is very willing to share his knowledge. I have a LOOOONG way to go to be in his class, but my flyfishing skills, particularly casting, experienced dramatic improvement thanks to his helping me out. Jack & I each had our "best ever" trout fishing success...on the 3rd (sadly final) day, we each caught & released 10 each (largest a solid 14") in about 3 1/2 hours & lost at least that many more...of course, Warren easily doubled what we caught, even with taking time to occasionally help us out.
Jack also furled his 1st three leaders. The first one was noteworthy indeed....I wonder if Kathys' video has a need for editing in the sound "SPROING!!" under "troubleshooting". While I felt horrible for Jack (snicker), he DID create one of the most unique strike indicators ever! MARKET it Jack!! PLEASE market it! They're easy to make too...just ask Jack. I shouldn't talk...I got my right arm stuck in my waders trying to get to my car keys!...don't ask!!
Obviously, the trip was great fun & very educational for both Jack & I. The highlights of the trip were spending time with good friends, & we WILL do this again.
My thanks to both Leo & Warren. I had a fantastic time!

You can call me Mike & you can call me Mikey..Just remember that this site's about sharing!

[This message has been edited by ohiotuber (edited 26 June 2006).]