
Please Don't be so hard on yourself, at least one positive came out of your experience that day, and I will share my perception (right or wrong) on this in a moment!

You gave this person more than ample warning, he did not heed it. Was it ignorance on his part, or just sheer lack of respect? At what point is it ok to express your disappointment in others actions, especially when they so rudely impose upon you?

This rude individual was a "Trespasser"! He had no intention of showing you any respect, and actually invited your assistance of enlightenment, under the watchful eyes and ears of his daughter!

I understand your inner struggle with what you percieve as a completely wrong approach to this whole senario, but I also wish to express to you that life lessons always come with a price tag. Some extremely more costly than others, and they are often very hard learned, and very hard taught!

The father in this case, may actually be an idiot, and may garner nothing more from your encounter than a reason to blame the bad day of fishing on you. Shame on him!

Here is that positive I mentioned above. This whole senario may have been a well orchastrated life lesson for a future fisherwoman!

This young girl already appears to be a very perceptive young lady, and was fully aware of the wrong doings that were unfolding right in front of her. Respect and wisdom often come through a series of hard learned lessons that usually leave us bloodied and tattered.

She will never forget what she learned that day, and hopefully will apply this knowledge on future fishing trips.

You may even have the fortune of running into her one day on the river, and may she thank you for sharing with her a lesson in proper river etiquette, respect, and the willingness to speak up and right a wrong.

I respect the fact you did not tuck your tail between your legs and concede in the face of this trespasser. You may be bloodied and tattered from this chance encounter, but the lessons taught and learned will long be remembered; and hopefully passed on to whomever this little fisherwoman shares a river with in the future!

Betty, anyone who knows you, also knows what a sweet and caring person you are.

I'll admit I've been guilty of quick reactions and also doing things on the spur of the moment without thinking and then later regretting them, who hasn't?

I shant be the first one to throw any rocks into glass houses!

Just my .02's worth, for what it's worth.

Your friend,
