Steve, ... Not really hard to post a picture, ...: [url=][/url:95288]

Marco, ...

Yes, ... you CAN post a picture on a borad DIRECTLY from another source. You don't need to store it on something like PhotoBucket first.

Note: make sure the image you intend to use isn't copyrighted at the source.

'fur instance, ... when I use pictures here on the board or in articles, ... I "own" the picture, or have made sure from the owner that I can use it.

That said, ... whenever you see a picture on the I*Net, ... it is always sourced from somewhere. Look at the image, move your pointer over the image, click on the RIGHT button,

... you'll see the "properties" of the image, including WHERE it is.

Once you know where the image is sourced from, ... you use the regular [img][/img] codes to insert it into your posting.

Remember to use images that are of reasonable size and definition, ... Bandwidth isn't free

Christopher Chin, Jonquiere Quebec
[url=]2006 FishIn Ste-Marguerite River[/url:95288]
[url=]Fishing the Ste-Marguerite[/url:95288]

[This message has been edited by fcch (edited 12 April 2006).]