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Thread: Colored Text in Articles

  1. #1

    Default Colored Text in Articles

    This board seems to be mostly friendly chat. I have a real soundoff. I print a lot off this website for obvious reasons. A lot of outstanding information on here. Soooo I have a black and white laser printer and an ink jet color printer. I know the soft blue, brown, and green text is easy on the eyes for reading. BUT....if there is a fly in the text I choosed my color printer to get the colors. The problem is not only on flies but just a lot of text only prints out in COLOR. This sure wears out my color cartride faster than iffen the text was always black and white....which isn't all that bad......it's all we used to get anyway. I would prefer to change out my black ink cartridge more often.....than have to change out the color cartridge.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Penticton BC
    Blog Entries


    Jim , highlight the text , copy it then paste it into your word processor. Then it will print in black . Make sure you set the options in your printer to print with black ink . Because a color printer will combine the three colors to make black ink if you don't. In which case although you get black printing you are using up your color cartridge . Hope this helps .

    I could be wrong , It seems unlikely , but I suppose it could happen.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  3. #3


    Appreciate the information. However, if my inkjet printer has a one cartridge for color and another cartridge just for black....why would it have to combine color to get black? I would think printing in black would just use up the black ink cartridge only. Anywhoooo....your suggestion can be reversed. As I said I have a laser black and white printer and that is my cheapest way to print. I can print the article....on the laser in black and white and THEN go highlight the color picture and print the picture on the inkjet printer. However this would be a real chore in the case of printing out all the steps to tying a fly.....which has a new pic for each step. I still wish all text was in black and white.


  4. #4


    Your question brings up several things I've been wondering about.

    First off though, here's something I've just started to do...actually triggered by the extensive excellent tutorial in this weeks FOTW...

    I like you print alot of this stuff and have noted that even though I decrease the size of the fonts I still get reams of paper because of the pictures...my files are getting just too large so I've started to print just one picture and enough info to lead me back to the right spot on the computer...
    I may not like this because when tying I like the hard copy right at hand...but we'll see.

    Now about that font thing ....seems like even though I decrease the size of the font to save ink and paper most of the time the printer still prints in the original size....anyone with ideas why and how to correct....rarely it might print out small..

    Also one printer will print in a "draft" preference if selected....and another will do it in..."normal"...."fast normal"..."fast"....each one using less ink than the other and each faster...just mention this as a hint...

    I suppose the answer to this is no....but is there any way to search the archives for a specific type of fly and have links to all???...e.g. say I wanted to see all the Matukas in the FAOL archives and then pick some to ty...could I find them without scrolling through the lists????

  5. #5


    Oh, and I'm with POJ on this....

    "Interesting question and suggestion... and a fine answer."

    I don't think GBF's solution works all that well unless you can tell us how to high light all the text at once and not the pictures that are interspersed.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    If you have a CD burner, just save them to a CD. Give it the title you want and you can acess the CD fairly easily.

    It is also alot less paper to have to handle.


  7. #7


    You might also check try using the File + Print at the top of your browser. You should be able to modify your printer settings at that point in order to change to black and white or greyscale from there. You can effectively turn off the color cartridge if your printer software allows it. Both of my printers have this option on them and my cheap little HP actually has a check box that turns off the color cartridge.

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