The truck looks terrific, you really did a excellent job of restoring it, to better than new condition.

Reminds me of my "1948 Dodge 3/4 ton utility, in Vietnam. It had served through the Korean War, and I got to drive it in Northern I Corps of Vietnam.

When I got vehicle, there was only one problem, the 6-cylinder block was cracked and there were no replacements for a 22 year old Army vehicle. So I went searching in the Camps Junkyard, and found a Ford 390 cubic inch V8 (with transmission) which worked and with a lot of adapting, fit into the 1948 3/4 ton (winged hood didn't fit on after installing the engine.

Took the Operation Office on a test drive, and when we got back, the Operation Sergeant asked the Major, "How was the ride, Sir?"

Major answered, " Specialist (E-5) McGarthwaite, should not be allowed to drive nothing but an Army Tent Stake, he think his name is "Parnelli Jones" (Famous NASCAR and Indianapolis 500 Champion)!

Some people get upset when they are a passenger in a vehicle going at 90+ mph, on a dirt road, when the vehicle should not be exceeding 45 mph.


PS: Anyone in the Service, ever Ski Jump a Hummer off of a hilltop?

[This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 10 January 2006).]