Silver Mallard, you've pretty much got the inter-relationship recorded and displayed.

Sad to think that those of us who worked and paid to be covered in the event of medical disability are treated as if we are dirt.

After I had undergone my first two spinal surgeries I had to watch for the workers' comp carrier's PI's trying to photograph me in some activity that they could call fraud. The fact that their contracted physician felt two initial surgeris ( and a third followup) necessary did not matter. If I were foolish enough to carry in a bag of groceries or drag a trash can to the curb despite the pain it would cause, they might classify it as fraud and try to recover benefit monies paid to me.

I'm aware that many people try to scam the system who are not really disabled. But a thorough reading of case files should rapidly indicate which of us are genuinely injured.

Between Gloria and me, our meds were running over $2000/month. Now I get mine from VA and she has just signed up for the AARP medicare drug plan that we hope will reduce our medication expenses.

aka Cap'n Yid.
Stev Lenon Trout Ski, 91B20 '68-'69
When the dawn came up like thunder