But Splinter, are you saying that there is no " production" process in place. Is only ONE rod being completed at a time. I agree that it must take extraordinary skill to craft a bamboo flyrod but more than perhaps 50 hours ( number out of thin air) of actual HANDS ON ( not waiting) per rod seems way out of kilter. The tired descriptions "hand made"like "hand dug" are grossly overrated.
I accept that the value of these rods are in the fact that the purchasers are more than willing to pay the asking. Purchasers consider them works of art and with that opinion I cannot argue. They in fact are beautiful but I need not own one to know that.
Having said all that however, I have not yet heard a SPECIFIC reason as to why a flyrod cannot be delivered within a month of order by a company such as Winston or why it takes a year to make only 100 rods.
