I do not know what the big deal is with women fishing. I have known and fished with many fisherwomen over the years some with a fly rods and others gear.
As for women shooters I have meet many of them as well, including my own Mother who just took the Bronze in the USA Senior games for her cowboy shooting. She is very good with both the shootgun and riffle and ok with the pistol and my Dad could not be prouder of her for her trophy even though he did not get any take home no trophy himself this time.
Of course I live in Seattle and so I guess we still have a little of the wild west spirit left out here and maybe those of you back East have lived with that color moving photo box {I think you call it a boob tube or something} just a little longer then we have. {its a joke son}
The one thing I have found over the years is that many women are scared to go out into the woods by them selves now days. Its not the bears, snakes or any thing, it all the meth heads and other low lifes you find around many of the rivers out here. To often cars out here are broken into at trail heads and river fishing hole pull outs. The other trouble some of them seem to have is small children. Amie has had a few diffrent women from the day care she works for, ask to join us on our fishing trips because they enjoyed fishing with their fathers and grandfathers but are not comfortable going out alone and so they just have not kept up with the sport but would like to do it again. I have already picked up a few spare rods and hope to help take some of these gals out with us when things like child care can be worked out.