
The reality is that a 3000 to 4000 pound car traveling at 55mph and a pedestrian or cyclist weighing 200 pounds are not equal. Drivers must take and pass tests. Cars must pass annual(sometimes bi-annual) inspections that include rear lights, brake lights, etc. What requirements are there for bicycles? Are cyclist required to have lights on the bikes? No. Are they required to wear reflective clothing? No. Gee, I'll bet that more cyclists are killed or injured than hunters, yet hunters must conform with certain clothing laws! How often do you see bicycles going the wrong way compared to cars? How about bikes vearing into or across traffic or across two way lanes? Cyclists break all sorts of rules and expect vehicles to yield, come to a screaching halt, or just don't care at all.

That 'idiot' I refered to was just that. He was putting himself in jeopardy without any concern for his well-being or the danger his action posed to vehicular traffic. You don't like my use of that word? Okay, what would you call a person who is walking 3 abreast, his back to traffic, and has positioned himself on the far left of the group and overlaps the shoulder line. If a motorist can get a ticket for 'reckless driving', then this person can get one for 'reckless walking'. Remember, I said that that road has had numerous vehicular accidents and several deaths.

Paraphrasing, and I don't know who to credit for it,
'All vehicles are created equal but some vehicles are more equal than others'.
