Hey Folks,

Obviously the laws vary from state to
state and by community. Often times I will
see bikers pull onto the shoulder to let the
traffic clear without impeding it. Many
bikers are very considerate of drivers.
Probably indicitive of someone with good
common sense. I call it the "Might has
right" rule. Not much of a contest between
a 180 pound biker and a 98 pound lady in an
SUV. The Schwin isn't gonna fare as well as
the SUV. Common sense. Obviously the lady
would not hit the biker intentionally.
The car ahead hides the bike from her view
until the last second when he swerves to
avoid it, and the poor lady (insert gent,
teen, or whatever suits ya) is involved in
an intense conversation with her friend on
the phone while balancing a hot expresso on
her lap. There are those among us that have
a tough enough time making the trip from
home to work and return without making
contact with other vehicles. Higly visible
ones. Big too! I for one would NOT put my
butt in harms way in a contest I could not
win until after the fact in a court of my
peers. I am alergic to pain! Warm regards,