Wow, THAT subject again. So many variables. So many possible answers.There is absolutely NO possibility that what worked in one case will work in another. My parents RULED. They did however realize that their influence in my life was limited. Neighborhoods, schools etc had a much greater tendency in those important shaping years to shape me into the person they hoped I would become.If we lived in a gang infested neighborhood what would my chances have been to be unaffected? If they sent me to schools where the graduating class could not read their diplomas, where would I have gotten my ambition for the future? They laid a very good foundation for me at home.The rod was not spared.The core of my personality is to THEIR credit. They instilled in me the basics of certain values and morals. The rest was up to me. My wife of 38 years and I have raised 3 very successful children.We were by no stretch "rich", but for their sake we lived in neighborhoods we could not afford and we sent them to schools we also could barely afford. Apparently our combination of effort worked.
To hone in on my intended point, if you do the parental basics and put your children into a "proper" environment, your job as parents will be be much smoother.


I'd rather be in Wyoming!