Bill, I like how you said you have to show them who's boss. I guess thats in a way what I was trying to say, but how do you show that? Like it has been said, sometimes a spanking is necessary, sometimes pain is the only thing that can get through. We were all little and remember that sometimes it just didn't matter we were going to keep doing whatever it was, until someone forced us to stop, its about limits. With me and spanking it is a last resort like I said. If you use it too often it loses it's meaning, so it has to mean something when you say, "Stop or you will get a spanking". I still know my dad is boss, and even when he is 100 years old, he will still be able to take me down a notch. My older brother is the same way, when I was 10 or so I punched him as hard as I could right in the jaw, he proceded to look at me, and hit me in the stomach, I couldn't breath for 10 minutes, and went into the bathroom and cried. Even now he is one of the only people I would not tangle with, just from that one experience. But with both I always knew we were tight, we didn't say it often, but I think we all would walk through fire for each other.

A bum-legged old man and a drunk. That's all you got?
That's WHAT I got.