Having made my somewhat meager living in Retail for some time now, I feel qualified and obligated to add to this discussion.

I would never run down someone else's store, product or service. It does no good. I will let a customer know the benefits of my store, product or service over another. I will also never get angry with a customer who tells me " I can get that at (insert name of some other store here) for half the price. I will explain that sometimes they are cheaper/better/available here and sometimes there. Products are products and I have no control over the quality, price or any thing else in my store. I do however control my attitude and demeaner when dealing with customers.

I, like MD, will not use some retailers because of the service I have gotten (or not gotten) but I will never hold the retailer responsible for the quality, price or availability of the product.

My $.02


BTW Maddog, it was Al Finley who said the line in your tag, and was reported by Pat McManus. I am sure everything Pat writes is factual and certainly not fiction.