Ordered my second rod kit from them in a very short period of time..bought alot of kits and blanks from others ,but NEVER have I seen such generous "kits",the amount of supplies that comes with one kit "w/glue" will do more than one kits worth of building I've wanted an 8' 4 wt. for a long time now,and after hearing so many good things on here of the Forecast blanks,this is what I've settled on.
Can't wait to get started on it,even with the holiday...the 3rd is my b-day too ....so I'm just going to have the better half hand this one to me and take it as her gift to me...so there will be an actual bright spot to turning 35....

"I've often wondered why it is that so many anglers spend so much money on,and pay so much attention to.the details on the wrong end of the fly line.If they took as much care in selecting or tying their flies as they did in the selection of the reel and rod,They might be able to gain the real extra edge that makes it possible to fool a fish that has,in fact,seen it all before" A.K.Best

"Wish ya great fishing"


[This message has been edited by billknepp (edited 01 July 2005).]