Yes, agreed but these guys can be made of ice and they are not too good at accepting criticism. As sales personnel they stink! As knowledgeable fishers they might be great or not so great but that matters not! They should be upfront about it. They can say "I don't know from experience but this is what has been working lately". "This line has been our best seller for a year now, and the boss still thinks its the one!" "Go ahead and open that drawer, there are alot more nymphs in there". "I don't know what's the best leader material but our biggest seller is.........and thats what most of the guides around here use". "No,that hatch has wound down I wouldn't buy too many of those now. Better take a few stone flies instead, The fly tiers can hardly keep up with the demand for them now".

I think that you might better hire a girl from the 5 and 10 cent store to do your selling than pull a non sales type from the fishing fraternity!

Ol' Bill