I see people complain regularly about what is posted on the net that children may see. When did parents abdicate their responsibility to know what their children are watching, reading, and hearing? I clearly remember my parents saying "you can't watch that, it's not appropriate..." and things to the like.

It seems like most people nowadays want other people to "self moderate" so that their kids aren't corrupted. My thought has always been(I'm a parent myself), you wanted the kids, why don't you take the responsibility for raising them as you see proper? If the internet is a bad place for them, don't let them use it without supervision.

Frankly, I like having a place to say what's on our mind without having to be "politically correct" or worrying about who we may offend. Perhaps more places like that would allow people to get some things of their chests and be more civil to people in real life.

But then again, it's nice to have FAOL and be able to get good info without all that other stuff...


[This message has been edited by chascomly (edited 30 January 2005).]