Welcome to the wonderful world of hardcore gorilla saltwater fishing! I live in a high population area and things can and do get crazy.

Stand on the beach, feet in the water changing a fly and have someone wade into the water in front of you and start fishing.

Wait until you experience your first all out blitz. I swear to you, men grow out of the sand. Men with waders will be standing hip deep in the waves, men in short boots will be on the waters edge, men in sneakers will be standing on the sand. All of the above will be casting over the other guys. Oh, by the way men with fish on will be running down the beach screaming.

People do lose there mind. I have had a man literally run into my back cast (I use bright yellow line)and ripped the rod out of his hands. Your heart goes into your throat figuring you have just planted a 1/0 deep into somebody. (yes I was watching my backcast).

It's not alway crazy but it can be.

Good luck and stay safe.
