Your three choices are all excellent reel manufacturers. I personally use Abel reels and find their quality, construction and performance second to none. Having just recently moved from the northeast to Florida I am pretty much all set up to fish saltwater. The thing I wish I had been more cautious with was putting my reels down on rocky river banks and nicking the anodized finish. The finish is what protects the base aluminum from corrosion in salt water. I have since spot protected these nicks with fingernail polish. There is a new reel on the market I read about in one of the fly fishing mags with a type 3 anodized, the hardest anodizing finish. You might consider looking at it. Unfortunetly I can't seem to find it again or I would mention it. It was in a very recent issue of the mag though. Anyway if you stick with your three choices you can't go wrong.